Week 8- What do I know?

Briefly outline your knowledge and experience with digital citizenship and the safe, responsible, and ethical use of ICT in your personal and professional lives:

At first I didn’t really know much about digital citizenship, however after working through this week’s learning path it came clear to me that there is a lot to being safe online.

In my personal life I use digital citizenship in a number of different ways including;

  • Not having the same password for everything.
  • Whenever asked to ‘remember password’ clicking no!
  • Ensuring I do not sign up for irrelevant junk mail that could cause my computer to get a virus.
  • Deleting scam emails straight away.
  • Ensuring I only interact with people I know on social media.
  • Ensuring I only use Paypal to purchase online, like myicteducationjourney mentions in their blog.  

In my professional life I do not have much interaction with ICT and digital citizenship as I am a swim teacher. However if I was to say that I am now a graduated educator I would ensure I have control over what internet websites were available to my students, I would monitor students when they are using ICT and I would ensure computers have a virus detector software to help minimise unsafe and inappropriate pop up adds and websites. 

Results from the Quizzes:

Bullying Quiz- 2/4

Cyber Safety- 23/25

Critical reflections from quizzes:

In the Bullying Quiz I got question one and question three wrong. With question one I always thought bullies were the ones with low self esteem which is why they would feel the need to take their feelings out on others. However this was no the case, as according to research by National Safe Schools Framework literature review bullies are far more likely to have inflated self esteem. Furthermore with question three  I wasn’t aware that face to face bullying was still consider the most common form of bullying in schools. I was under the impression that due to society becoming technologically minded students would cyberbully more often as there is now greater access to phones, internet and live chats etc.
In the Cyber Safety Quiz I got the email about ‘I’m a loser’ incorrect. I believe the email should be kept to show parents as this could be a sign of cyberbullying and may escalate if not taken note of. I also got a question wrong in regards to what websites I would access and not access. I said I would use the ‘Create a Cat and chat with your friends’ website. I thought this website would just connect you with people you accept (your friends). Although this wasn’t the case, you could connect with anyone (any age, anywhere in the world) and therefore I do see the danger in this website, thus I need to ensure I know the parameters of any new website and not just jump in.

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